The Traditional Medicine Clinical Practice Manual is designed for licensed acupuncturists and students of Eastern medicine. This much needed textbook bridges the gap between outstanding clinicians and successful business owners. It equips readers with the knowledge and practical skills necessary to secure and maintain gainful employment as an integral part of the United States healthcare system or to establish and expand their private practice.

You will learn the standards of practice that comply with the rules and regulations of the United States healthcare industry. Recent changes in CMS documentation guidelines are discussed in detail. The application of the ICD-11 Chapter 26 Traditional Medicine standardized terminology pattern differentiation in current clinical practice for both TCM and non-TCM styles of acupuncture will be explained. You will discover how to determine appropriate care pathways, support medical necessity, and substantiate the number of acupuncture CPT units utilized. Explore how to formulate and code both conventional and TCM diagnoses accurately. Navigate the process of identifying, reporting, and mitigating adverse events. Understand when and how to order laboratory tests and imaging studies. Learn how to bill insurance and get paid reliably. Master the art of writing medical necessity and appeal letters.

This book thoroughly describes FDA and HIPPA guidelines for clinical practice and patient communication. It also discusses the ADA, the Fraud Act, the Kickback Statutes, and other rules and regulations that impact your practice. You will learn how to establish usual and customary fees correctly and identify which discounts are legal. You will also explore how to operate a Telehealth practice, demystify customer service, and navigate acupuncture clinic and traditional Chinese herbal medicine logistics. This book paves your pathway to success.


“Traditional Medicine Clinical Practice Manual” is the missing link for practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), bridging the gap between passing board exams and actually building a successful practice. G. Roofener provides essential guidance on the practicalities of opening and running a business compliant to United States best practice requirements while staying true to the principles of our medicine. As a recent graduate, I found her insights for navigating the healthcare system in America invaluable in preparing for real-world challenges that were never covered in school. This book should be a mandatory part of every TCM program, equipping future practitioners with the knowledge and confidence to thrive beyond the classroom.” – Kristen M. Hill, AP, Dipl. O.M.

This textbook is intended for individuals familiar with the theory and clinical practice of East Asian medicine and illustrates a modern perspective on describing the TCM pulse through the interpretation of mobile ECG data.

Palpation of the pulse is one of the important diagnostic signs used by East Asian medicine practitioners to determine the state of Qi in the body. Reading a pulse traditionally relies upon developing refined palpation skills through extensive practice guided by a skilled teacher, which can be challenging to attain and master.

Recent developments in mobile electrocardiogram (ECG) devices provide an excellent resource for practitioners to have a convenient and affordable tool for an objective pulse measure. Qi is an electric impulse that commands the heart chambers to contract that subsequently generates the pulse.

An ECG can be taken by a patient at home and transmitted to a practitioner. Recordable and reproducible objective data such as an ECG for the pulse and a photograph of the tongue is a major breakthrough in the development of East Asian Medicine. These advances open a possibility of telemedicine for Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine practice.

This book will teach you how to interpret the ECG graph below according to the TCM theory.


This book is clear, informative, and useful. As an acupuncturist, I’m glad to better understand the application of ECG diagnostic tools. This will help me offer better care and have a better understanding of my patients’ results. It is also wonderful to have a better understanding of the overlap of diagnostic methods. Thank you for this book!  Jared West L.Ac.

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  1. HIPAA Privacy & Security Manual
  2. Red Book
  3. Emergency Response Manual
  4. Employee Handbook
  5. Office Policies & Procedures Manual
  6. Clinical Practice Procedures Manual