Traditional Medicine Standard Terminology: Bridge to the ICD-11 Billing Practice


Florida 21 CEU – (issued by FSOMA) (2 CEU Medical Errors + 2 CEU Biomedical Sciences + 17 CEU General hours) – CE Broker # 20-757618


The purpose of this course is to provide practitioners with the knowledge and skills to perform in the approaching era of ICD-11 Chapter 26 (TM1) Traditional Medicine Billing Codes.  Students will be able to navigate a Medical-decision making and implement it in the Traditional Medicine SOAP notes in compliance with the Medicaid/Medicare reimbursement requirement standards.

What to expect: 7 hours classroom (add 1-hour lunch) + 14 hours home study


Through the successful completion of this course, each student will be able to:

1. Understand the importance of standard terminology. 

2. Identify resources for standard terminology reference. 

3. Understand the purpose of ICD-11 Chapter 26 (TM1).

4. Diversify the WHO International
Standard Terminology pertaining to a specific style of Traditional Medicine, including but not limited to Japanese, Korean, Five Element, Famous Masters, Scalp, etc. 

5. Parallel current ICD-10 and future ICD-11 billable diagnosis to NON-billable Traditional Medicine (TM1) pattern diagnosis.

6. Formulate treatment principles adapted to a specific style of Traditional Medicine using WHO International
 Standard Terminology.

7. Write a SOAP note adapted to a specific style of Traditional Medicine using WHO International
Standard Terminology in the standardized format to fulfill billing requirements.

8. Implement general principles & rules reflecting a coding level of Traditional Medicine decision-making in compliance with USA insurance billing requirements revised for 2021.